Saturday, 18 February 2012


A good memory is a sign of youth, vibrancy and intelligence. Here are tips on how to improve your memory the natural way.

There are good reasons to improve your memory. A good memory can help you succeed in life, be it in school, in your job or even your private life. Fast learners who have good memory are always in demand wherever they go; not to mention they are paid more.

You will be surprised to know that 'how to improve your memory' is the most frequently asked question in any questionnaire on brain and memory related topics. People like you and me are worried about our memory loss and are constantly looking out for options to improve the same.

When each person tells you their name, concentrate on the words, and if possible repeat their name. You can also check with them whether your pronunciation is correct. This is an excellent way to fix their name in your 'memory banks'. When you have just met someone, the more times you repeat their name, either out loud or silently to yourself, the more likely you are to remember it. Remember that repetition is fundamental in learning how to improve memory skills.

You can actually start learning how to improve your memory skills today. Here is a little exercise that you should try out. Over the next week, when you meet someone new, try to translate their name into a more memorable word and then visually link that word to something about this person that is noticeable or unique. Afterward, when you meet up with one of these people that you had met during that one week period, you will instantly remember their name.

As well as fish oil being a way how to improve your memory, it also has a whole host of other health benefits for you too. For instance it can help protect against heart disease, and this is endorsed by the American Heart Associations recommendation that you eat at least two portions a week. It can also help protect your body against the damage that can be caused by inflammation too; and inflammation is not just joint pain and arthritis, it is behind a whole host of much more serious illnesses.

The human brain is made of 60% fats, and almost half of that is DHA Omega 3 fatty acid. Studies have proven a clear link between deficiency of this nutrient in the body and a deterioration of performance of the brain. In fact, a majority of the population today is deficient in this nutrient.

Being sure to get enough DHA could be how to improve your memory and overall brain function, because it is needed to build new neurons and forge new pathways involved in memory-storage. Taking fish oil in order to get your DHA can also help to balance unhealthy cholesterol levels, and it is beneficial for high blood pressure.

Set mind traps  Another cool technique is to set mind traps. If you want to remember that you need to call Pam before you leave to work. Take something odd like a glove or something like that and put it in your pocket. Or better yet stick it on the door knob. Then when you see it or feel it you will remember to call Pam.
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